On January 26, 2024, the K2 children were treated to an enriching experience facilitated by Trudi Bennett, Director, and Nature Playworker at Educated by Nature in Western Australia. Trudi’s visit sparked excitement as she engaged the children in exploration within our mini garden.
Each child showed off what they found in the soil, Victoria bravely dug up an earthworm to show Trudi. With gentle hands, Trudi explained to the children the earthworm’s sensitivity to sunlight and why they preferred darkness.
The children eagerly shared their thoughts and questions, sparking engaging discussions about these remarkable creatures. Their curiosity, including why earthworms shy away from sunlight, led to enlightening conversations. This day left a lasting impression on both the children and the teachers, deepening their understanding of earthworms and also helping everyone feel even closer to nature. Trudi’s visit showed us how fun and important it is to learn about nature.