On February 12, 2024, teachers at ISMILE Bandung gathered for a significant session on sustainability. Led by Ms. Sharon and Ms. Jacque, the discussions centered on practical eco-friendly methods like worm farming and pile composting, emphasizing their positive impact on plant growth and environmental well-being.
This session wasn’t merely about knowledge acquisition; it was a call to action in our collective efforts to save the Earth. To instill awareness among our students and emphasize the importance of environmental conservation, the school initiated a sustainability project. The K2 class eagerly crafted their worm farming bin, while
other classes contributed to Ms. Jacque’s compost pile in the school garden. Additionally, teachers received expert guidance from eco-enzyme specialists on repurposing kitchen scraps for practical applications, further underscoring the importance of sustainability in everyday life.
We aim to inspire all members of the ISMILE community—students, parents, and teachers—to embrace eco-conscious practices. Through sustainable approaches and education about their significance for the future, we are collectively fostering a culture of sustainability. This commitment will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on our planet, paving the way for a greener and healthier future for generations to come.