The teachers from ISMILE and ISHINE actively participated in a teacher professional development program held at ISMILE Permata Hijau from July 10 to 14, 2023, to ensurethateveryoneisreadytobegintheacademicyear.Alltheteachersfromthe different centers were present. During the first day of our professional development session, Ms. Halim, the coordinator of Permata Hijau Center, delivered a presentation about Multiple Intelligences. Additionally, Ms. Jula and Ms. Cindy provided insights into the Character Development program, Ms. Jackie on the other hand, focused on discussing the Montessori framework and its fundamental principles. On the second day, the teachers received training from Ms. Fem, the coordinator of Bandung Center, regarding the Reggio Emilia Inspired Approach. During the session, Ms. Fem explained nature as the third teacher. She also discussed the process of creating and preparing provocations and learning invitations,aswellastheimplementationofprojectwork.Inaddition,sheguidedthe teachers regarding the documentation process of the progress of children. During the third day, the teachers participated in a First-Aid training session and acquired skills on how to use the Storypark portal. The level coordinators met their level teachers to discuss significant standards for the level and guide them in class preparations.
It was an exciting first week filled with joy, laughter, and new beginnings. During the first week, our main focus was to help the children settle into their new environment and establish a sense of familiarity. They met their new teachers and classmates and encouraged them to make new friends and build connections. In addition, provocations, learning invitations, and well-prepared activities were present to help the children warm-up and adjust. We are delighted to welcome old and new students for this academic year.

We are proud to say that we started this school year with our Chapel Time. As one of the character-building programs in ISMILE, this allows children to praise and worship God and to know more about the character focus we have per month.

For the first three months, we learned about “Attentiveness”, “Politeness” and “Honesty” and learned all about the bible verse that accompanies them. We also watched short skits that taught the character focus for the month and met notable characters. We also put our social skills into practice as well during Chapel Time. We learned to wait for our turn, respect one another, and interact with peers. Surely, Chapel Time will always be something the children look forward to every Friday.